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Natacha Boivin
Bar Admission 1994
Law degree, Université de Montréal (LLB)
Contact information
Legal assistant
As well as being a lawyer in Montreal, Natacha is a mediator in civil and commercial matters, accredited with the Quebec Bar. Passionate about technology, she also leads the Technology and Information Governance business unit. She also practiced in private practice as a partner, mainly in civil and commercial litigation as well as real estate, business and construction law. Prior to joining Therrien Couture Joli-Coeur, she was Vice-President of Legal Affairs and also Head of Legal Services for APCHQ for 14 years.
She has given conferences and training to construction contractors throughout Quebec and is the author of several articles, training manuals and contract templates adapted to the construction industry. A charismatic and persuasive leader, Natacha is not only a seasoned litigator, a skilled speaker, but also an accessible businesswoman who knows how to put herself in the place of her interlocutor to better understand her needs and the advisor.
- Business Consultancy
- Business Start-Ups
- Civil and Commercial Mediation
- Commercial Litigation
- Compliance with Bill 25
- Construction Law
- Contract Negotiating and Drafting
- Corporate and Nonprofit Governance
- Data governance
- Guarantee Plan for New Residential Buildings (GCR, APCHQ, ACQ)
- Legal Hypothecs for Construction
- License from the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ)
- Protection of Personal Information and privacy
- Technology Law
Professional activities
I acted as a business consultant at all stages of the life of Québec business, both at corporate level, in governance, and at the time of litigation. I am familiar with the regulations of the Régie du bâtiment du Québec and the operations of the Residential Building Guarantees, I represent and advise several developers and contractors in the implementation of their construction projects.
Social Involvement
I particularly believe in causes relating to the social integration of the poor. I was fortunate enough to be involved in the founding of a few organizations working in the field and I am still involved.
Les rendez-vous TCJ
Droit du travail et de l’emploiLe Capitole
12:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Business, Commercial and Corporate
New requirements for certain Canadian companies
Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act coming into effect
Décès d'Yves Tourangeau
C’est avec grande tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de notre collègue, Me Yves Tourangeau, survenu le 28 mars dernier. Il était associé chez Gilbert Simard Tremblay (GST) avant l’intégration de ce cabinet chez TCJ. Yves possédait plus de 40 (…)
Business, Commercial and Corporate
A New Era of Transparency: Is your Federal Company in Good Standing?
Since January 22nd, 2024, federal corporations are required to file with Corporations Canada the information contained in the register of Individuals with Significant Control of the corporation, and some of this information is now available to the (…)
Contact Natacha Boivin