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Real Estate and Construction
We are familiar with your industry
Our construction law team works with professionals throughout the firm to meet your business, finance, labour and employment law needs.
Our professionals will help you comply with all the regulations, including issues with the Commission de la construction du Québec, the Building Code, the Bureau des soumissions du Québec, as well as various occupational health and safety regulations.
Should any problem arise, our team will represent you before any administrative, civil, arbitrary or mediation body.
In contractual matters, our team will work with you in the negotiation and drafting of various contracts with stakeholders and in your relations with them. You will also be supported in the preparation and analysis of all documentation related to your projects, among others, documents of tenders.
In real estate law, our team supports you in your real estate projects as well as in all stages of your transactions, no matter what type of property. We are here with you to establish a financing strategy, whether movable or immovable.
We provide you with assistance in the drafting, revision and negotiation of various rental contracts, including commercial or residential leases. We will assist you in the sale or acquisition of commercial, agricultural properties and in your residential development projects.
We provide you a full range of services for all your questions regarding co-ownership, from verification of building documentation in the context of the pre-purchase of a co-ownership until its resale.
In collaboration with our municipal law team, we will also intervene with the municipalities and the various stakeholders for all questions and requests you must address in order to carry out your projects, in particular in connection with rezoning, land use planning, urban planning, environment, acquired rights, expropriation or requests for minor exemptions.
- Arbitration and Mediation
- Call for Tenders
- Commercial and residential Leases
- Commercial leasing
- Commercial Real Estate Transactions
- Compliance
- Construction Defects
- Construction Law
- Construction Projects
- Contract Negotiating and Drafting
- Contract Termination
- Credit-Lease
- Delays and Defects
- Expropriation
- Guarantee Plan for New Residential Buildings (GCR, APCHQ, ACQ)
- Latent Defects
- Legal Hypothecs for Construction
- License from the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ)
- Litigation
- Movable or Immovable Financing
- Municipal Taxes
- Offers to Purchase
- Penal Proceedings (RBQ)
- Private Nuisance
- Property Assessments
- Purchase and Sale of Real Property
- Real Estate Law
- Real Estate Transaction
- Real-Estate/Leasing Litigation
- Residential Real Estate
- Supply
- Suretyships
- Verification of Deeds and Leases
Real Estate and Construction
Real servitudes: Limitation of liability and risk management for the owner of the servient land
Real servitude: Can the owner of a servient land contractually limit his civil liability for damages that the owner of the dominant land could claim from him when exercising a servitude?
Real Estate and Construction
New Real Estate Assessment Roll and Tax Bill Increase
Does the increase in value of a property automatically reflect on the owner's tax bill?
Real Estate and Construction
Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy: An Assistance Program for Businesses and Organizations
The federal government recently established a new program to assist Canadian businesses and organizations in the area of real estate.