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Pierre-Stéphane Poitras

Pierre-Stéphane Poitras

Lawyer, Partner

Bar admission 1992

Law degree from the University Laval
Accredited mediator

Legal Assistant

Contact Pierre-Stéphane Poitras

A lawyer at our Montreal office, Pierre-Stéphane practices mainly in professional and general insurance, as well as construction law.

A career litigator, Pierre-Stéphane represents local, national and international clients in litigation before all Quebec courts, including the Court of Appeal, as well as in arbitration.

In the field of construction law, he is called upon to advise his clients, whether contractors or owners, at every stage of a project, from the negotiation and drafting of contracts to project completion. He has developed particular expertise in construction claims, and as such is called upon to advise his clients throughout the course of a project.

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In the field of insurance law, he defends insurance companies as well as subrogated recourses, in areas such as professional liability insurance, as well as all types of construction-related insurance, including site insurance, commercial general liability insurance and surety bonds. He also defends the Fonds d'assurance de l'Ordre des architectes du Québec

He is appreciated for the experience he has acquired over the past 30 years, his ability to synthesize information and his fine negotiating skills.

He is an accredited mediator of the Quebec Bar.

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  • Services

    • Construction Law
    • Insurance Law
    • Litigation
    • Real Estate Law
  • Professional Mandates

    Over the course of my career, I've been involved in a number of major insurance and construction disputes. The fact that I've had the opportunity to represent clients, professionals, specialized contractors and subcontractors gives me a good understanding of the issues at stake for each of these players in a project.

    I've also advised my clients on contract drafting, and my training as an accredited mediator gives me additional tools to help find the best possible solution for the clients I represent, within the framework of the various private dispute prevention and resolution methods, as well as in out-of-court settlement conferences.

  • Conferences and publications


    • Quebec General Contractors Corporation (CEGQ), february 2023, The law on public body contracts and the involvement of the AMP.
    • Quebec General Contractors Corporation (CEGQ), february 2021, The new CCDC-2 2020 contract and in-house adaptation of subcontracts.
    • Quebec General Contractors Corporation (CEGQ), February 2020, Standard or in-house contract, legal pros and cons.
    • CEGQ, February 2019, The Act respecting contracting by public bodies, 10 years later.
    • Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, January 2019, BIM, legal issues.
    • Contech Conference, February 2019, Legal issues of BIM.
    • AAPPQ (Architects in private practice of Quebec association) November 2018, Legal issues of BIM.
    • CEGQ February 2018, BIM, legal issues for contractors.
    • May 2018, speaker, topic: Well-ordered completion receipts and documents to avoid slippage
    • Fonds des architectes, October 2017, BIM, the legal consequences for architects.
    • Mémoire de la Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec sur le projet de loi 108 présenté à la Commission parlementaire des finances publiques. An Act to promote the monitoring of contracts awarded by public bodies and to establish the Autorité des marchés publics, September 2016.
    • Congrès annuel de l'Ordre des architectes du Québec, September 2016, MDB and the architect's liability.
    • Canadien Institute, November 2015, L'expertise sous l'angle du nouveau code de Procédure civile.
    • Architects' Fund, October 2015, Reflection on the impact of the coming into force of the new Code of Civil Procedure on case management.
    • Canadian Steel Institute, November 2015, Best Practices in Construction.
    • Canadian Institute, October 2015, l'Impact du jugement Agropur coopérative c. Cegerco and als on the various obligations of the parties to a construction contract.
    • Canadian Institute, April 2014, drafting contract clauses to reduce claims.
    • Writing: various chapters of the Prevention Guide Volume 1 and 2 of the Architects' Fund, 2014 and 2015.
    • CEGQ, February 2014, La loi sur les contrats des organismes publics, 5 ans plus tard.
    • Architects' Fund, March 2014, Legal concepts of construction impact costs.
    • Canadian Institute, April 2013, Construction Litigation Management.
    • Brief from the Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux du Québec on Bill 61. Commission parlementaire sur la Loi visant principalement le recouvrement de sommes payées injustement par des organismes publics relativement à certains contrats dans l'industrie de la construction, November 2013.
    • Canadian Institute, April 2012, Preventing claims and additional costs through good schedule management.
    • CEGQ, February 2011, Rules to follow for the success of your projects and to avoid legal proceedings.
    • CEGQ, February 2010, Time limits for asserting your rights, applicable prescriptions.
    • École de technologie supérieure, March 2010 and March 2009, L'hypothèque légale du domaine de la construction.
    • Construction insurance: a practical guide to problem solving. Assurances et gestion des risques, vol 75 (1-2) april-july 2007, 201-251.
    • Managing General Liability and Property Litigation 1-76, Canadian Institute October 23/24, 2006.


    • "Construction insurance: a practical guide to problem-solving." Insurance and risk management, vol 75 (1-2) april-july 2007, 201-251
    • "Insurance and the construction industry" Quebec Bar. Continuing education department. Recent developments in insurance law (2001) 181-220.
  • Social Implications

    I have been a governor member of the Fondation du Barreau since 2018. In addition, I don't hesitate to get involved in my community for various projects.


Contact Pierre-Stéphane Poitras