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Stéphane Lépine
Bar Admission 1987
Law degree, Université de Sherbrooke (LLB)
Masters degree in Business Administration, HEC Montréal (MBA)
Contact information
Lawyer in Laval, Stéphane has a wealth of experience in business law and in corporate mergers and acquisitions.
He is also Head of Legal Operations at Edilex, our partner.
For several years, he has focused his practice on public contracts. He regularly assists public and municipal bodies in concluding complex contracts, to ensure that the contractual process complies with applicable legislative and regulatory rules and best practices. To this end, he assists and collaborates with the management of numerous public and municipal organizations. He also gives training courses in public contracts, and works closely on drafting and revising clauses for the Edilexpert tool.
Finally, he assists companies wishing to obtain authorization from the Autorité des marchés publics (AMP) to do business with public and municipal bodies.
A passionate man, Stéphane is a good listener and leader of young professionals, helping them to become accomplished jurists.
- Business Financing
- Business Law
- Call for Tenders
- Corporate Law
- Due Diligence
- Identification and analysis of investment opportunities
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Public law
- Public Procurement Contracting
- Strategic Planning
Professional activities
I enjoy rising to the challenge of a complex file involving many parties and where social issues are at stake. I have negotiated some of the most important government procurement agreements granted in Québec.
- Company and group forms in public procurement - Edilex training center - 2023
- New developments in public contracts (summer 2023) - Association québécoise de la logistique et de l'approvisionnement du secteur de la santé (AQLASS) - 2023
- Contract modification, force majeure and price adjustment - Groupe des approvisionneurs des services publics et parapublics (GASPP) - 2023
- IT contracts: key issue and important clauses - Edilex training center - 2023
- Reconciling market competition and quality in your tender documents - Corporation des officiers municipaux agréés du Québec (COMAQ) - 2023
- Municipal organizations: recent developments (2022) in public contracting - Edilex training center - 2022
- Public organizations (LCOP): recent developments (2022) in public contracting - Edilex training center - 2022
- Construction tenders - Edilex Training Center - 2022
- Price adjustment clauses and contract amendment rules - Edilex training center - 2022
- Discretion of the public contracting authority in a tendering process - Recent developments in public procurement law (Quebec Bar, Continuing Education Department) - 2022
- Standing orders in the municipal sector - Edilex training center - 2022
- Reconciling market competition and quality in your tender documents - Corporation des officiers municipaux agréés du Québec (COMAQ) - 2022
- Municipal organizations: recent developments (2021) in public contracting: a review of recent decisions by the courts and the Autorité des marchés publics (AMP) - Edilex Training Center - 2021
- Public bodies (LCOP): recent developments (2021) in public contracting: a review of recent court and Autorité des marchés publics (AMP) decisions - Edilex Training Center - 2021
- Municipal organizations: how to reconcile competition in the marketplace and the quest for quality in your tender documents - Edilex training center - 2021
- Public organizations: how to reconcile competition in the marketplace and the quest for quality in your tender documents - Edilex training center - 2021
- Local municipal purchasing - Union des municipalités du Québec (UMQ) - 2021
- Call for tenders: how to manage bid price issues? - Edilex Training Center - 2021
- Construction tenders - Collecto, Services regroupés en éducation - 2021
- Reconciling market competition and the quest for quality in your tender documents - Corporation des officiers municipaux agréés du Québec (COMAQ) - 2021
- Review of recent decisions by the Autorité des marchés publics (AMP) and the courts - Edilex training center - 2020
- Managing your contracts and calls for tenders in times of crisis - COVID-19 - Edilex training center - 2020
- Tenders: how to reconcile competition and quality? - Collecto, Services regroupés en éducation - 2019
- Calls for tender and contract management: the new rules - Rendez-vous municipal Therrien Couture - 2019
- Recent developments in calls for tender - Collecto, Services regroupés en éducation - 2019
- Legal framework applicable to public tenders - Edilex training center - 2019
- Legal framework applicable to municipal calls for tenders - Edilex training center - 2019
- An Act to promote the monitoring of contracts entered into by public bodies and to establish the Autorité des marchés publics ("Bill 108") - Issues for public bodies - Therrien Couture Breakfast Conference - 2019
- An Act to promote the monitoring of contracts entered into by public bodies and to establish the Autorité des marchés publics ("Bill 108") - Issues for municipal organizations - Therrien Couture Breakfast Conference - 2019
Social Involvement
Since 2015, I am a patron of honour for the Gala des Chefs de Laval-Lanaudière benefiting the Canadian Cancer Society, a cause for which I care deeply.
Les rendez-vous TCJ
Droit du travail et de l’emploiLe Capitole
12:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Business, Commercial and Corporate
New requirements for certain Canadian companies
Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act coming into effect
Décès d'Yves Tourangeau
C’est avec grande tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de notre collègue, Me Yves Tourangeau, survenu le 28 mars dernier. Il était associé chez Gilbert Simard Tremblay (GST) avant l’intégration de ce cabinet chez TCJ. Yves possédait plus de 40 (…)
Business, Commercial and Corporate
A New Era of Transparency: Is your Federal Company in Good Standing?
Since January 22nd, 2024, federal corporations are required to file with Corporations Canada the information contained in the register of Individuals with Significant Control of the corporation, and some of this information is now available to the (…)
Contact Stéphane Lépine