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François Montfils
Bar Admission 1994
Law degree, Université de Sherbrooke (LLB)
Contact information
Lawyer, François is a partner of the firm since 1999. Recognized for his practice in disciplinary and professional law, he advises and represents professional orders and self-regulating organizations. He frequently speaks at the Colloque du Forum des syndics, organized by the Conseil interprofessionnel du Québec, and he also teaches ethics, professional standards and professional practice at the Quebec Bar School.
He also practices in municipal law department and represents municipalities in different matters. He has developed a special expertise in the area of preserving agricultural land, and advises and represents individuals, businesses and municipalities in this regard. He is also a frequent speaker at conferences on this subject.
For several years, he served on the revision committee of the Quebec Bar Association and on the Bar Journal Committee (Revue du Barreau).
His diligence and attention to detail are a reflection of his passion for excellence, which is a source of inspiration to his colleagues. A powerful litigator, François can break down complex problems and present them in simpler components, and in so doing propose solutions that no one can disregard.
- Administrative Law
- Agricultural Land Protection
- Agricultural Law
- Disciplinary Law
- Municipal Law
- Professional Law
- Real Estate Law
- Urban Planning
Professional activities
Excellence, diligence and integrity are values that form the basis of my practice. Regardless of the matter, I am always forthright with my clients and attack the real issues. This philosophy is the reason why both private and institutional clients and decision-makers have confidence in my work.
Social Involvement
We are among the privileged in society and so we have a duty to put our talents and time to good use in the numerous organizations that need our help. I am particularly moved by causes that involve sports and young people.
Les rendez-vous TCJ
Droit du travail et de l’emploiLe Capitole
12:30 PM to 5:00 PM
Business, Commercial and Corporate
New requirements for certain Canadian companies
Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act coming into effect
Décès d'Yves Tourangeau
C’est avec grande tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de notre collègue, Me Yves Tourangeau, survenu le 28 mars dernier. Il était associé chez Gilbert Simard Tremblay (GST) avant l’intégration de ce cabinet chez TCJ. Yves possédait plus de 40 (…)
Business, Commercial and Corporate
A New Era of Transparency: Is your Federal Company in Good Standing?
Since January 22nd, 2024, federal corporations are required to file with Corporations Canada the information contained in the register of Individuals with Significant Control of the corporation, and some of this information is now available to the (…)
Contact François Montfils