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Julie Lavertu

Julie Lavertu


Bar Admission 2006

Law degree from University of Montreal

Contact Julie Lavertu

A lawyer at our Laval office, Julie practices mainly in civil litigation, with a focus on construction law, bankruptcy and civil liability.

She mainly represents construction contractors, assisting them during the bidding phase of public projects, contract negotiations, problems that may arise during construction, and any claims that may follow.

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Julie continues to develop her construction skills, notably through taking various training courses and the many conferences she has written and presented over the years.

She is recognized for her ability to synthesize and develop strategies for each dispute, as well as for her personalized approach to effectively meeting her clients' needs.

Julie is appreciated by her clients for her extensive knowledge and experience in her field.

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  • Services

    • Civil Litigation
    • Construction Law
    • Enforcement of Security Rights
    • Insolvency
  • Professional Mandates

    I am consulted on a variety of issues that may arise at any time during a construction project, from the pre-contractual phase, including the call for tenders, right through to closing. In particular, I represent my clients in lawsuits as an aggrieved bidder for claims for contractual balances, additional costs and site extensions, as well as all other construction claims. I am also involved in litigation involving the Quebec Bid Depository Office, various construction-related bonds and insurance. I also intervene to defend the interests of my clients who face a co-contractor under the protection of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act or the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act.

  • Conferences

    • La Loi sur les contrats des organismes publics, cinq ans plus tard, Congrès de la Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux en 2013
    • Les différents cautionnements en construction, Cour à la Polytechnique pour étudiants en ingénierie en 2015
    • Les différents délais et conditions d’exercice des recours en construction, Elles de la Construction en 2015 / Journée d’étude sur les réclamations sur contrats pour l’Université Laval en 2017 / Congrès de la Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux en 2018 / Au sein d’entreprise privée
    • Des quittances bien rédigées et bonne gestion des documents de fin de chantier afin d’éviter un dérapage, Congrès de la Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux en 2017 / Au sein d’entreprise privée
    • La Loi sur les contrats des organismes publics, dix ans plus tard, Congrès de la Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux en 2019
    • Le Bureau des Soumissions Déposées du Québec (BSDQ), Associations des constructeurs de routes et grands travaux du Québec en 2019
    • Utiliser un contrat normalisé ou contrat maison?, Congrès de la Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux en 2020
    • Le nouveau contrat CCDC-2 2020 et l’adaptation des contrats de sous-traitance, Congrès de la Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux en 2021
    • La Loi sur les contrats des organismes publics, et les implications de l’Autorité des marchés public, Congrès de la Corporation des entrepreneurs généraux en 2023


Contact Julie Lavertu