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Carolle Tremblay

Carolle Tremblay

Senior Counsel

Bar Admission 1990

Law degree, Université McGill (LLB)
Common Law, Université McGill
Social Service Degree, Université Laval

Legal Assistant

Contact Carolle Tremblay

Acting as Senior Counsel for our multiple offices in Quebec, Carolle has been practicing exclusively in family and persons law for 32 years. She holds no less than three university diplomas, two of them in law from McGill university and one in social services from the university of Laval. She is perfectly bilingual.  

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Carolle is often called to represent and counsel individuals, and sometimes children, in family litigation cases, be it a separation, a divorce, the sharing of common property or even conflicts regarding childcare. Her practice and her years of experience helped her be creative in the search of solutions for her clients.  

Her collaborative approach benefits her clients and their children, as well as their families. Her considerable experience as a lawyer, her knowledge in law, her listening skills and her creativity help her find the right solutions and focus exclusively on amicable settlement.  

Carolle gives conferences in Europe and in North America on various subjects in relation to the prevention of sectarian aberrations and representation, before the courts, about individuals or children who are victims of vulnerability abuse. 

She is appreciated for her listening skills, her vision and her dedication. 

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  • Services

    • Child Custody
    • Divorce and Separation
    • Family Law
    • Human Rights
    • Matrimonial Litigation
    • Non-Litigious Inheritance Matters
    • Youth Law
  • Professional activities

    My daily motivation is the conviction of making a difference for each client that goes through a very difficult, chaotic, and often destabilizing period in their life. My practice and my years of experience have taught me to analyze every situation under multiple angles, or perspectives, and share my process with my clients. For me, each case is a team effort where we have tofrequently review objectives and, at times, set aside the law.  

    I am accredited in collaborative law by the Groupe de droit collaboratif du Barreau (GDCQ), of which I am currently vice-president. This role allows me to be invited to the meetings of the IMAQ: Institut de médiation et d'arbitrage du Québec. 

    I was invited by the Association Française des Praticiens du droit collaboratif at their Paris seminar in 2022, regarding the practice of the collaborative process internationally.  

    I then participated in their roundtable discussion on collaborative law in the Anglo-Saxon environment and gave a presentation on the initiatives and challenges of collaborative law in English Canada.  

  • Social Involvement

    My professional background gave me the opportunity to involve myself as a volunteer in organizations that concretely endorse the belief that every child should have the chance to grow in the best possible conditions. It means a safe environment where the child learns free will, a critical sense and respect for differences.  

    I find it very important to be involved in my community and in my field. It is why I sit and chair on the following boards :  

    • The CPC, Collaborative Professionals of CanadaBoard of Directors.I also sit in their governance and membership committees. 
    • The Groupe de droit collaboratif du Québec (GDCQ)Board of Directors. I am currently President since June 2023, after assuming the role of Vice-President for a 2-year mandate.  
    • The Info Secte Board of Directors, of which I have been President for more than 20 years, until 2022.  
    • The Ste-Marceline College Board of Directors, of which I am also President.  

Contact Carolle Tremblay