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Bankruptcy and Insolvency

Our expertise…Your asset

Our recognized expertise in insolvency matters, particularly in relation to any issue affecting the insolvency of companies in the agricultural and food sectors, allows us to stand out, anticipate and manage numerous issues and problems related to the realization of security interests and restructuring of businesses.
Our Bankruptcy and Insolvency team
You have faith in our expertise because we feel that service and support offered to you are of the utmost importance.

We primarily serve financial institutions, secured creditors, trustees, receivers and private lenders in connection with the administration of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act and the Farm Debt Mediation Regulations in the realization of security interests and restructuring of businesses.

We are frequently called upon to advise you strategically and legally on issues related to the realization of security interests, in particular the implementation of provisional measures, the negotiation of security enhancements, the development and administration of asset liquidation processes, participation in mediation held under the Farm Debt Mediation Act, collection of benefits payable under the various court programs, and incidentally, the underlying representations to be made before the courts.

  • Asset Purchases
  • Bankruptcy
  • Claims
  • Disposal of Property
  • Enforcement of Security Rights
  • Hypothecary Recourse
  • Insolvency
  • Preferential Payment
  • Realization of guarantees
  • Request for Cancellation of Transactions
  • Restructuring
  • Reviewable Transactions