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Justin Gravel

Justin Gravel


Bar admission 2007

Law Degree, Université de Sherbrooke (LL.B.)

Contact Justin Gravel

Lawyer at our Sherbrooke office, Justin is part of the litigation and dispute resolution team. He focuses his practice mainly on civil and commercial litigation as well as litigation in the fields of bankruptcy and insolvency, construction law and intellectual property law.

In this capacity, he represents namely private-sector companies in contractual and intellectual property disputes (counterfeiting, misleading marketing, unfair and/or parasitic competition, etc.), and is frequently called upon to intervene to obtain orders for urgent and provisional measures such as injunctions and safeguard orders. He also represents general contractors and subcontractors involved in construction law disputes, as well as trustees in bankruptcy, financial institutions and creditors in bankruptcy, proposal and receiver appointment cases.

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Justin has pleaded before all levels of courts in the province, including the Court of Appeal, where he has argued dozens of cases, acquiring significant experience in the process.

From 2012 to 2019, Justin led the team representing the Université de Sherbrooke’s Faculty of Law at the Pierre-Basile-Mignault Moot Court Competition, which opposes all the country’s civil law faculties. Furthermore, since 2021, Justin has served as Chairman of the Civil Law Committee of the Bar of the District of Saint-François.

Prior to joining TCJ, he practised law with two other national firms in the province of Quebec.

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Contact Justin Gravel